Myth Busting - Alarms for the Elderly

Myth Busting - Alarms for the Elderly Thumbnail

The Alarm Won’t Work Outside

It is natural that you want the best level of protection when it comes to buying an elderly relative or friend a personal alarm and many people are put off by the idea that the alarm won’t work if the user steps foot outside. This is simply not true. The alarms boast a range of 100 metres so if your relative likes to spend time in the garden, they will still be able to use the alarm to call for assistance even if they are not in the house at the time.

Alarms for the Elderly Can Be Expensive

One of the main factors to be considered when investing in a personal safety product is cost. One of the most common myths surrounding alarms for the elderly is that they are going to break the bank. The reality is that you can set up an elderly relative with a Lifeline alarm for just £35 and pay a monthly installment of £12.49 to get peace of mind all year round.

They Aren’t Comfortable to Wear

While safety is the main concern when looking out for elderly relatives, comfort comes a close second. The alarm pendant can be worn about the person for example on the wrist or around the neck. This myth derives from the idea that a personal alarm system is a cumbersome device but in fact, it is a lightweight pendant that you will barely notice on a day to day basis.

They Won’t Work in the Event of a Power Cut

While some alarms can be affected should the power go out, a personal alarm system runs on batteries and for this reason, it will work in the event of a power cut. This means that a relative always has access to help.

Alarms for the Elderly are Difficult to Install

IndeMe alarms are made by Tunstall Healthcare and boast the latest technology, as a result they have earned the reputation of being difficult to install. This, however, is a myth as you don’t have to know a lot about technology to set it up. To install it, you simply connect it to your landline and you are ready to go. If you do need any assistance, our friendly customer service team are on hand to talk you through the installation.

You Can’t Wear the Alarm in the Shower

People who are worried about an elderly relative slipping in the shower will be most concerned by this particular myth. Personal safety alarms

are designed to fit in with a person’s lifestyle and therefore they can be worn in the shower due to being completely waterproof.

So, there you have it, six myths surrounding personal alarms for the elderly.